Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Maleme Niani Needs Your Help

Have you gone to class in a room made of bamboo? How about a dirt floor? Sounds far away from the typical American classroom right? Well the students of the local college (middle school) in my village work and learn in that environment. Building Schools Building Futures is a project created to help the students in Maleme Niani. There are currently 8 classes, each class containing over 50+ students. Only four permanent concrete classrooms exist, therefore an additional four temporary bamboo/cornstalk classrooms (walls and ceiling) with dirt floors are constructed yearly to account for the overflow. This learning environment is not suitable for the future growth and education of the students in Maleme Niani. Can you please help? My friends and fellow peace corps volunteers in Tambacounda helped me make this video to raise funds for this project. Although in part it is fun and silly, we hope its a meaningful way to spur you and others on to be aware of the inequalities that exist in this world and the needs needing to be filled. A huge thanks to them and also a huge thanks to you for your time and donations! Please follow the links for more information regarding the project and how to donate!

click: donate now (left side of page)
search: scates (my last name)
project number: 685-133
additional search: country: senegal
project name: building schools, building futures

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